Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Why and how delegates adopted 70 per cent voting mode

Delegates to the National Conference adopted 70 per cent voting pattern to save the conference from an abrupt end, it was learnt yesterday.

National conference National conference

The delegates also agreed on the principle of “give and take”, one of the 50 selected to resolve the thorny issue of voting pattern told our correspondent.

He said that the select group appealed to those with hardline positions on voting pattern to reconsider their position to avoid a situation where the conference would break up on account of “irreconcilable differences”.

At the meeting yesterday, conference delegates overwhelmingly supported the recommendation of the select group that 70 per cent of delegates sitting and voting should be used to determine any issue delegates failed to reach consensus.

Delegates also rescinded their earlier resolution, which took away the power to appoint committee chairmen from the Chairman of the conference, Justice Idris Kutigi.

With the rescinding of the resolution, the Selection Committee headed by Justice Kutigi, had been empowered to select chairmen and deputy chairmen of committees.

Twenty standing committees were approved by the conference subject to further increase if need be.

Voting pattern almost tore the conference apart as Northern delegates insisted on consensus as the mode of resolving issues. Southern delegates wanted two-third majority as the voting pattern.

The decision on the 70 per cent voting pattern followed the adoption of the outcome of the Group of 50 elders that met with the leadership of the National Conference last week.

Vice Chairman of the Conference Prof. Bolaji Akinyemi told delegates that the elders, otherwise called “Super delegates” and the leadership of the conference met between Tuesday and Wednesday last week where the decision was reached.

Akinyemi added that following exhaustive deliberations, it was agreed that 70 per cent would be preferable and more acceptable to the delegates in reaching decisions if consensus failed.

The implication of the new decision meant that Orders 6 Rule 4; 11 Rule 2; and 12 Rule 4 (e) that proposed 75 per cent or three quarter of delegates present and voting be adopted where consensus fails have been amended.

Senator Iyorcha Ayu proposed the motion that the amendment be adopted. The motion was seconded by former Akwa Ibom Governor, Obong Victor Attah, who thanked his colleagues for avoiding the technicality of “winner takes all.”

The question was put and those in support carried the day. Attempts by some delegates to oppose the adoption of the proposal, which restored the power of the Chairman and his team to select committee chairmen and deputy Chairman, was shot down through a voice vote.

The Selection Committee headed by Kutigi was therefore empowered to select Chairmen and their Deputies taking into cognizance competences of individual delegates as well as all States and the Federal Capital Territory (FCT)

Kutigi put the question for the adoption of the National Conference Procedure Rules 2014, and it was unanimously adopted in a voice vote.

The delegates also adopted a proposed Work Plan of the Conference after several observations on inadequacies in the proposal were raised.

The Secretariat would make necessary corrections, the Chairman assured. Group classification meant to reach individual delegates if the need arise was also adopted by the delegates.

Delegates were also asked to indicate three committees they would want to belong. Speaking on how the 50 Super delegates resolved the issue of voting pattern, a member who participated in the resolution said, “Some people were insisting on 75 per cent, some wanted consensus while some wanted 65 per cent. We looked at the issues and arrived at 70 per cent under the principle of give and take to move the conference forward in the interest of the country.

“We also said that hardline positions cannot take the conference anywhere. We agreed that if we wanted to move forward, there should not be hardline position. We tried to avoid a situation where the conference will break up abruptly. So the consensus was 70 per cent.

“This is also because when you are building a nation, you cannot force any issue down the throat of somebody. We believe that if we resolve the issues through consensus, it will serve the country better. But where consensus fails, we should go for 70 per cent of delegates present and voting.”

The conference started with announcement of the death of a member, Alhaji Mohammed Hamma Misau, who died on Friday March 28 at the National Hospital Abuja.

Dan Nwanyanwu, who came to the conference on the platform of the Labour Party, observed that the comments of His Royal Highness, Muhammadu Barkindo Mustapha, Lamido of Adamawa, that Northern delegates would pull out of the conference if pushed to the wall was not reflected in the votes and proceedings of the conference.

Nwanyanwu said that it would be unfair to Mustapha if the conference secretariat fails to reflect his contributions.

Kutigi, who appeared not to have taken kindly to the observation of Nwanyanwu, noted that if the conference were to be a court he would have called Nwanyanwu “a busy body.”

He said that Lamido Adamawa was in the hall and should have complained if he felt that his contributions were omitted.

Another delegate who moved a point of order noted that “busy body or no busy body, what Nwanyanwu said is perfectly in order.”

Kutigi simply said “noted” and ended discussion on the issue.

Former Governor of Rivers State, Sir Peter Odili, commended his colleagues for the maturity displayed during the consideration of the decision of the conference leadership and the group of 50 elders. He said the outcome of the elders’ meeting was indicative of a successful outcome for the conference.

“It is the decision of the conference that was popularly removed. I think it is a step forward from where we were last week,” he added.

Hassan Rilwan also commended the elders for being able to resolve a rather sensitive issue amicably.

“I believe that the decision of the Chairman to constitute the elders group was excellent because it shows that we, as delegates, and by extension, Nigerians at large are ready to reach agreement on any issue, no matter how contentious.

“It is a good sign that there is hope after all, if the elders can bring this issue of voting method to a situation where everybody was satisfied with the outcome, then there is no issue that we can not compromise on.

“All we need is dialogue. By the time we talk with ourselves, there won’t be any room for suspicions. In other words, I am in no doubt that the outcome of this Conference would be to the satisfaction of all Nigerians and the growth of this country,” he added.

Why and how delegates adopted 70 per cent voting mode

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