Monday, May 26, 2014

Safe (And Saucy) Sex Positions For Pregnant Women

pregnant couple kissing
Passion is still possible with pregnancy.

One minute, the sight of your partner makes you want to put him out with the weekly garbage; the next, you might want to play a couple of rounds of naked Twister. Par for the course during pregnancy.

See, as your estrogen and progesterone levels rise, they cause changes in your body that boost libido. Estrogen in particular, which serves such pregnancy-related functions as boosting blood flow to your uterus (and to your entire pelvis), also increases vaginal lubrication and heightens sensitivity in your breasts and nipples.

It’s a righteous recipe for romance. But the same hormones can also conspire against you, especially in the beginning when nausea and fatigue can send you to bed for an entirely different reason. And toward the end, you may just feel too huge, unwieldy and, again, tired. (That’s why months four to six or so are often called the “honeymoon” trimester.)

To read on head to FitPregnancy: The Best Sex Positions for Pregnant Women

Safe (And Saucy) Sex Positions For Pregnant Women

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