Monday, January 12, 2015

Military disagrees with Amnesty International alleged 2000 massacre in Baga

By Ehi Ekhator, Naija Center News

The NIgeria military has debunked the wide spread speculation that Boko Haram killed 2000 innocent Nigerians during an attack that lasted for several hours in Baga, Borno state.

Amnesty International had put the figure on 2000 saying it is the largest massacre by the dreaded clown Islamic sect called Boko Haram. The Military headquarter admitted that a number of people were killed in the attack but dispute the figure as alleged.

Boko Haram killed in Bama Boko Haram killed in Bama

According to the information posted on the military official website on Monday, it reads “As you might be aware, there was another terror attack on the town of Baga in Borno state last week which left a number of people dead. Following that unfortunate attack, a lot of speculations and conjectures have been peddled by a section of the press particularly the on-line media regarding the casualty rate. Some claimed that over a thousand people were killed while others wrote with certainty that 2000 people lost their lives in that singular attack.

“Without any doubt, terrible atrocities have been committed against innocent Nigerians in Baga by the rampaging terrorists who attacked and have been operating in the town since 3 January 2015. Necessary actions are being taken to put an end to the activities of the terrorists and restore law and order to the community. T

“To this end, a lot of covert operations including surveillance activities which recorded series aerial photographs are ongoing in that vicinity. It is however necessary to inform Nigerians in the interim that the exercise so far have not corroborated the report on the casualty rate which was put at 2000 deaths. From all available evidences, the number of people who lost their lives during that attack has so far not exceeded about 150 in the interim. This figure includes many of the terrorists who were bearing arms and got killed in the course of their attack and battle with troops.

“It should be noted that Baga and the neighbouring towns have been under series of attacks and harassment by terrorists. In the course of this, many residents have left, leaving the population in the town almost seriously depleted. Many were also able to escape while the terrorists’ battle with troops lasted. The figure given by sources who claim to be eye witnesses must be an extremely exaggerated estimate. Unfortunately, this figure is now being bandied about in a section of the media as if it has been authenticated. It cannot be true.

“It is pertinent to once again urge the media to be circumspect in adopting casualty figures especially the ones given to them by the so-called eye witness, who in most cases, are influenced by their own perspectives.

“In any case, this is no time to debate about casualty figures or number of deaths as the life of any Nigerian is important. Much as the intention which could be with the aim of drawing attention to the atrocities being committed by terrorists group in Nigeria, is most welcome, the need for factual presentation of the situation is equally vital.

“In case the aim of this misinformation is to further the design of those bent on discrediting the government and the military, all well-meaning people should consider it as a disservice to humanity. It is important to remind those who are adept at spewing falsehood or exaggerating situations with intent to embolden the terrorists and diminish the efforts of the security forces, that their actions are inimical to the safety of the innocent Nigerians who have borne the brunt of the terrorist attacks in our country.

“The tendency to celebrate the occasional setbacks while downplaying the efforts and successes at containing the terrorists is unfair and very unfortunate. It is noteworthy that many international bodies are being misled in their interpretation of the situation owing to sensational headlines and stories.

“The Defence Headquarters wishes to reiterate its earlier assurance that the military has not given up on Baga or any part of the country where terrorists are marauding. Appropriate plans, men and resources are presently being mobilized to address the situation. We want reassure Nigerians that no portion of Nigeria’s territory has been or will be conceded to terrorists.”

NAIJA CENTER NEWS could recall that the same Nigeria military headquarter had on Saturday, release a press statement supporting the account of the AI while trying to clear its name from its previous accusation by AI on soldiers massacre of innocent citizens.

The soldiers agreed that the interpretation of the recent terrorist attack on Baga was quite valid.

The statement reads “This interpretation of the recent terrorists attack on Baga is quite valid. You will recall that Military has maintained all through that the troops never engaged in any massacre in Baga as some activists and the Media alleged in 2013. We have been insisting that such viciousness and barbarism were more typical of the terrorists’ pattern of operation than the action of the troops.

Unfortunately however some interest groups and terrorist sympathizers for whom it is more convenient continued to misinform the world, have kept attributing the evil to Nigerian troops. The attack on the town by the blood hounds and their activities since January 3rd, 2015 should convince well meaning people all over the world that Boko Haram is the evil all must collaborate to end rather than vilifying those working to check them.

Those who have found it more convenient to insist on labeling the Nigerian Military with allegations of human rights abuse using Baga as a reference should note this development. Let us hope this will encourage them to begin placing blames where they belong. The priority of all our military action in this campaign has been the protection of our civilian population.”

Nigerians are frustrated and no longer have hope on the military to secure their lives in the North where the blood sucking terrorist are taking the lives of those who refused to support their fight on a daily basis.

Though the Nigeria military headquarter had promised several times to reclaim the territories taken by the terrorist group, it seems more towns are being taken over weekly.

Meanwhile, Nigeria top political officials including the President, Goodluck Jonathan has not condemn the attack that took place in Baga but sent condolence message to France where about 17 people were recorded killed.

On the same condolence for the international lives is the Minister of Finance, Okonjo Iweala who twitted his sympathy and expressed sadness on the attack in France, again, no such message was sent to Baga people where hundreds of lives were recorded taken.

The opposition who could have behaved otherwise took to blame game, as usual, scoring political point using the lives of common Nigerians without a condolence message.


Military disagrees with Amnesty International alleged 2000 massacre in Baga

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