Friday, July 11, 2014

FIFA has no cause to ban Nigeria – Minister

Just as the reality of the world wide ban slammed on Nigeria by FIFA is sinking in, the National Sports Commission has claimed that the suspension order was not a reflection of the event that led to the removal of the Aminu Maigari led board of the Nigeria Football Federation.

Tamuno Danagogo

The NSC said in press statement yesterday, that government did not in anyway interfere in the process that brought down the NFF board and thus it was wrong for FIFA to assume such.

“The NSC has received the news of the suspension of the NFF by FIFA on the grounds of an alleged court order which the world football body has interpreted as government interference in the affairs of the football house.

“The said court action brought against the NFF followed an internal crisis within the football family and has nothing to do with government.

“While FIFA has stated that unless the court action is withdrawn, the suspension of the NFF will not be lifted, it is pertinent to state that neither the NSC nor government is involved in the court process.”

The NSC added that it believes the ban is “a procedural practice by FIFA each time it feels that there is an alleged interference by government”.

According to the release the NFF has sent documents to show that the general assembly was held according to FIFA statutes and so the vote to remove the board at that meeting should stand.

“ Nigerians should remain calm as efforts are being made to ensure that the suspension is lifted as soon as possible; as appropriate represen-tation has been made to FIFA to present the true situation of the crisis within the football family.


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FIFA has no cause to ban Nigeria – Minister

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