Monday, September 15, 2014

TB Joshua"s claims on Boko Haram, an insult on Nigerians intelligence

By Ehi Ekhator, Naija Center News

I have been thinking through the claim by a Nigerian influential preacher of the Synagogue of All Nations (SCOAN), Temitope Balogun Joshua popularly known as Pastor TB Joshua who his building collapsed on Saturday, killing more than 40 and injuring more than 121 members of the church.

Tb joshua church | credits: Nairaland

The prophet claimed that the incident that took at his guest house was an attempt on his life by the dreaded Boko Haram sect who has caused havoc in the North East of Nigeria.

He also assured his brethren not to be scared as the incident was targeted at him. Contrary to his claim, information had earlier filtered out that he was adding more stories to the two story building before it collapsed.

An ideal person would deduce that the incident was likely to be caused by too much weight on a floor that could carry a little. An ideal person would know that if the foundation of a building is not solid, it can barely carry additional; an ideal person would know that the contractor handling such building should be held responsible for not advising against such an occurrence.

A lot of houses had in the past collapsed in Lagos. Just like human, houses have life span.

Looking at it from a different angle, Prophet TB Joshua as he is fondly called is a man who, according to his followers, can see the past and the future; he is a real man of God after God’s own heart. He has prophesies many times in the past that came to pass but this time, right before his very nose, the prophesy slipped.

On 31 August, TB Joshua prophesied that South Africa should be careful as militants were planning to either kidnap or kill the President. He also said he knew the exact location where the attack would take place but would not want to put the country in confusion.

When the Malaysian airline disappeared in, TB Joshua prophesied asking the Malaysian authorities to go deep in the ocean, “between Indonesia and the Indian Ocean.” saying they would find scattered debris of the aircraft. Till now, the Malaysian government is still looking for the aircraft.

He added that the Flight MH370 was deep down in the sea and none of the 239 passengers would survive. He claimed that the pilot of the plane lost signal and bearing causing the plane to be diverted.

Where there was a bomb blast in Nyanya, the explosion that rocked more than 50 of Nigerian innocent citizens, TB Joshua was swimming In prophesy at the time the family of the bereaved were morning.

After the attack, TB Joshua video editor experts quickly put together claiming that the Pastor had prophesy it. In the video,  he said  “Listen to me, my people in Nigeria. Once again, take note of this: Our security should be vigilant. I am seeing a very big strike — explosion. They should take care of Abuja — capital.”

Now watch the actual video.. The video that was edited was in 2013. In the video, Joshua said the explosion would take place in the month of November, 2013 or December the same year. But months after his prophesy, the explosion happened in April but like I said, his video editors removed the year and made it looked like it was current.

But he predicted and it happened, isn’t that enough for everyone?

My answer to that question is NO, it is not enough. Prophecies are words from the all-knowing, all powerful, omnipresent, omniscient God. Real prophecies are not 5 months wrong with their dates. Real prophecies glorify God, not the prophet. Real prophecies bring people to repentance. TB Joshua’s prophecy does none of this.

As man of God, Joshua should have remembered the ‘’Tower of Babel’’ in the bible. (Genesis 11:1-9Genesis 11:4) where people intended to build a house to heaven so they can make name for themselves. As a man of God he claimed to be, he should have at least given it a thought that God was warning him against something rather than point his finger to Boko Haram, causing more panic to the people of Nigeria and the Lagosians who are already scared of the news of the spread of the terrorists.

They said, “Come, let us build for ourselves a city, and a tower whose top will reach into heaven, and let us make for ourselves a name, otherwise we will be scattered abroad over the face of the whole earth.”   (NASB) Gen. 11:4

Nimrod and his people built a great city and a huge religious tower. We believe that the tower was a type of ziggurat. Ziggurats were common during the Akkad dynasty. They were religious symbols. The Akkadians believed that the gods lived on top of the ziggurat. Nahum M. Sarna states,

On its heights the gods were imagined to have their abode. Constituting the obvious channel of communication between the celestial and terrestrial spheres, the sacred mountain was looked upon as the center of the universe, the “navel” of the earth . . . The most famous ziggurat of all, the one at Babylon, is the focus of the present narrative. It was known as the e-temen-an-ki, “The House of the Foundation of Heaven and Earth.” In the flat, alluvial plain of Lower Mesopotamia, the ziggurat constituted a man-made sacred mountain in miniature . . . [1]

The Tower of Babel was a religious tower. It may have served as the center of their worship. Joshua 24:2 reveals that from at least the time of Terah, the father of Abraham, the ancients served and worshipped other gods. The tower was probably a religious focal point for the antediluvians. Since this is the first false religion of record, God confused their language and caused them to scatter.

It is obvious that people would misunderstand the intention of this article for the wide saying that I lambast a man of God. I am a man of God because I was made by God, I have his abilities, his qualities because he made me in his own image and likeness.

The Nigerians believe that you can’t correct or address a man of God who is going astray is unbelievable. Calling you names for dare standing to talk to the man of God or pointing out his errors make you blaspheme or a child of Satan is really uncivilized.

Permit me to say that the claim by the self-acclaimed man of God is perhaps, a shame.

Watch this:

How come TB Joshua forgot that he had said men of God who lie using the name of God would face challenges. Looking intently into his prophetic words he was specifically referring to acclaimed ministers when he said; “we often say the spirit of God says this; the spirit of God says that, whereas the spirit of God is not talking to you” he here emphasizes how acclaimed spokesmen of God prophesy the imaginations of their own minds and not the communiqué of God’s Holy Spirit.

He further states that such worship and worshippers would face CHALLENGES in the year. Take note of the word in quote; “CHALLENGES”.

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TB Joshua"s claims on Boko Haram, an insult on Nigerians intelligence

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Thank you for dropping your response, there are other interesting news on the page too