Thursday, October 9, 2014

President Jonathan got it right this time

It was laughable when I checked site of come yesterday to see his name was removed from the list of 9th richest African President after initially placing him as the 6th on the list. They claimed that President Jonathan have the total of over 100 million dollars in known accounts. The first publication first appeared on 7th of October this month. Even though the special adviser to the President on media and publicity has condemned the report and threaten legal action the site here in Nigeria or in their country (USA).

President Jonathan meets Nasawawa lawmakers President Jonathan

After going through the site of the publication, I witnessed some error about their publication. Some Presidents years in office were decreased, that was what first suspicion that came into my mind, is this site really credible? It was i and my father that were checking the site together. After seeing the report, we then started discussing about the level of corruption in the country. The missing 20 billion dollars and so on. I was amazed about how Dos Santos of Angola made it to first position with net amount of over 20 billion dollars. Also about how the king of Morocco have the total of 2.5 billion dollars in just about 6 years since his ascending to the throne, compared to Mugabe with just 10 million dollars in a span of 26 years.

After checking the list, we went to check the list of richest pastors in the world. Among the pictures I first recognized was pastor T B Joshua. He is among them, having about 15 million dollars. Okotie of Nigeria is also among the list. Infact, even the first is Nigerian with total of over 150 million dollars. In Nigeria, religious places like Churches are not taxed. But how come will a religious leader gather over 150 million dollars?. I quickly remember that many of them have private air craft. How they have all that.

On the same website also, there was the list of world 10 tallest Presidents. Paul Kagame was there. Barack Obama, Assaf of Syria were all among the list. We didn’t check that thoroughly, because it was a mere reflection. Is just like you telling me I am a man.

One list that I checked and read all was the list of world first 10 prettiest first ladies. I checked and read all over without seeing my first lady. They must have lied I said to myself as our first lady should be the number on the list.

The removal of President Jonathan name on the list without themselves stating any reason should be a challenge to journalist. Leaders deserve to be treated with respect and honor. Genuine information should be the only informations to be posted and printed by media companies. They must checked the veracity of every story and information they receive from the public. If they publish anything that is controversial or malicious, they should retract their statement and tender an un reserve apology to the persona and the public for that mis information. Am very much sure the President I going to brag about it next time he holds his media chat. When there was the issue of missing 20 billion dollars, the government had to take time before it responded. Seeing the way they reacted yesterday and the way the they quickly remove the information , I was surprised and had a feeling that this time” Jonathan got it right”

Comrade Abdulbaqi Aliyu Jari

Katsina state

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President Jonathan got it right this time

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Thank you for dropping your response, there are other interesting news on the page too