Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Waiting for Benin bronze from UK

Nigeria’s age-long battle  for the return of its looted  artefacts scattered across galleries, museums and private collections in Europe and the Americas may have started yielding results. The Jesus College, Cambridge University in England has expressed its readiness  to return the Okukor (Benin Bronze).  National Commission for Museums and Monuments (NCMM) Director-General Yusuf Abdallah Usman is waiting for the prized work, Assistant Editor (Art) OZOLUA UHAKHEME reports. 

benin cockerel Artefact
benin cockerel Artefact

The news came as a surprise. The Jesus College, Cambridge University in England has decided to return the Benin bronze object looted from Nigeria by Imperial forces led by Captain Philips in 1897.

“This is a breakthrough and sign of good things to come,” National Commission for Museums and Monuments (NCMM) Director-General Yussuf Abdallah Usman said.

He said the commission was glad to hear that the varsity was returning the Okpa (the Okukor Benin bronze cockerel).    He expressed appreciation to the students, adding that he was looking forward to receiving the artefact soon.

The students voted that the bronze cockerel in front of their dining hall be returned home. The fowl has been at the college since 1930 it  was adopted as a symbol because of the surname of its founder, John Alcock, a former Bishop of Ely. Three cockerels’heads appear on the college’s crest. Since  independence in 1960, Nigeria has repeatedly requested for  the return of hundreds of Benin bronzes stolen during the invasion of the old Benin Kingdom.

The institution said it had removed the cockerel and was considering the “question of repatriation”. Almost 1,000 bronzes were taken after Benin City was occupied by imperial troops in 1897, according to the British Museum. About 900 of those artefacts are housed in museums and collections around the world, including the British Museum.

Usman said the commission is championing the return of this and other objects similarly purloined be returned to their countries of origin, notwithstanding the one-sided legalese that have been introduced by the purloiners to justify their acquisition. “We call on all well-meaning people of the world to join us in this struggle to redress the ills of the past.

The commission said it has a Plan of Action on Benin bronzes in European museums ‘whereby we are adopting the policy of collaboration, cooperation and negotiation in getting back our cultural heritage properties from European museums and other public institutions around the world. The talks are ongoing with meetings held in Germany, Austria and Nigeria’.

He stressed that the campaign for repatriation must be complemented by an all inclusive war against illicit trafficking in cultural goods.  “We, therefore, call on all and sundry to join us in this national struggle,” he added.

On the provision of a safer place for the bronze object,  Usman said: “Nigeria is ready to provide comfortable haven for the objects. Though we don’t have to give any reason to justify requesting a return for our stolen property, but for clarity purposes, we have Unity Museums in Enugu, Ibadan and Benin in Edo State where the Okpa can be kept. The nation’s artefacts in our custody are safely kept and guarded.

“At present, the commission has a Unit under the museums department, which 9s the Antiquity Protection Unit saddled with providing adequate security of our objects.

Asked if Nigeria is expected to meet any condition to repatriate the object, Usman explained that the country can only use negotiation, discussion and diplomatic plea for the return of such objects because it is not covered by the UNESCO Convention of 1970. The convention covers only objects that were carted away from its home country after 1970.

To him, the Jesus College’s incidence was a sign of good things to come and it shows that ‘’our efforts at the commission over the years in various fora calling for the reparation of our artefacts have not been in vain’’.

“It also shows there is a re-awakening of cultural consciousness in our people as illustrated by different illustrious sons and daughters of Nigeria lending their voice to our call for the repatriation of our objects in various museums, institutions and private collections overseas,” he said.

According to him, the commission believes that the Benin Plan of Action is the first step that will lead to greater understanding and that Cambridge and other important UK establishments should be part of subsequent engagements on this issue.

The sculpture was inaugurated by the Oba of Benin for the Queen Mother for the decoration of her ancestral shrine in Uselu. These brass/bronze roosters or cockerels are placed on ancestral altars. They stand for fowls and other animals that are sacrificed during rituals honouring royal ancestors. These male creatures acknowledge that the Queen Mother was different from other women and shared powers and privileges with men.

In depicting these birds, Benin bronze casters indulge their love of dense overall patterns. Although stylised, these incised designs deftly suggest the cockerel’s showy plumage, scaly legs and dimpled comb.

It is harrowing and heart rendering that such an iconic cultural object should be forcefully taken and irreverently exhibited for more than a century, he said.

He recalled that Nigeria ratified many treaties, which purposes are to prevent illicit export and to facilitate the return of unlawfully exported cultural property.

“Other organisations and bodies, which Nigeria has joined  to ensure the return of Nigerian antiquities include Scheme for the Protection of Cultural Heritage within the Commonwealth. Furthermore, Nigeria has signed Bilateral Agreement with nations such as China and Peru to facilitate return of cultural property to countries of origin.

“Nigeria has expressed her rights over some of the antiquities in certain museum and has thereby opened opportunity for discussion.  For example, in June 2012, officials of Nigeria’s National Commission for Museum and Monuments asserted ownership of thirty-two artifacts from the Benin Kingdom of Nigeria, which had been recently acquired by the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston (MFAB). MFAB has however explained that they are donations.  The Commission has continued to question the legitimacy of the donations,” he added.

Continuing, the DG said: “On Thursday,  January 24, 2002 the Nigerian House of Representatives passed a Motion calling for the return of Nigerian works of art in the British Museum. It called on the then President, Olusegun Obasanjo, to request for the repatriation of these artefacts.  The motion, sponsored by 57 legislators, was passed unanimously.

“Friends of Nigeria in the Diaspora have also assisted in seeking return of our cultural property.  For example, in 1996, upon the approach of the centennial celebrations of the invasion and looting of Benin artefacts, a foremost agitator for repatriation, the late black British parliamentarian, Bernie Grant, wrote to the Glasgow Museum which hosts some of the looted Benin artefacts, requesting for their repatriation to Nigeria.”

He disclosed that Edun Akenzua, Enogie of Obazuwa-Iko, the brother of the Oba of Benin, visited the House of Commons in Britain in March 2000 and presented a memorandum titled The Case of Benin, narrating how Benin artefacts were looted, and he requested that the artefacts in Britain be returned or compensation paid to the Oba for his loses.

According to him, other instances where requests were made for the return of Nigerian artefacts were at the exhibition of Benin artefacts in four international cities in 2007.

The exhibition tagged, Benin-Kings and rituals, courts arts from Nigeria went to Vienna, Paris, Berlin and Chicago and afforded Nigerian officials and royalty the opportunity to state the minds of both the Nigerian people and government for the return of the artefacts.  This request, he said, was repeated throughout the duration of the tour of the exhibition.

To safeguard the artifacts, Nigeria placed several of her objects on the ICOM Red List, which was drawn up by the participants at the International Council of Museums’ (ICOM’s) Workshop on the Protection of African Heritage held in Amsterdam in October, 1997 and which has been reviewed in 2016.

“Over the years, NCMM through its various departments have carried out aggressive enlightenment and sensitisation programmes on the importance of protecting our cultural heritage from illicit traffickers.

‘’The over 100 objects already repatriated from USA, France, Canada, Switzerland etc in the last six years though humble, represent our determined efforts to reclaim our artifacts.

‘We shall leave no stone unturned to ensure that we bring back our objects.’’

Waiting for Benin bronze from UK

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