Friday, February 12, 2016

Senate Visits Defence Headquarters On Security

The Committee House of Representative on Defence has visited Defence Headquarters to evaluate its performance with the appropriated funds in the 2015 fiscal year and to identify areas of challenges.

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Speaking at the occasion, the chairman of the Committee, Honourable Muktar Betara Aliyu explained that the visit was an oversight one aimed at working out modalities on ways to partner with the military to actualize its mandate as well as to appreciate the military’s selfless service towards defending Nigeria’s territorial integrity.

He urged the military not to relent in its efforts in meeting the expectations of the populace in the fight against terrorism, insurgency, kidnappings, pipelines vandalism and other sundry criminalities in the country. While assuring of their support, he embolden them to enlist their requirements in their budget for greater performance in the year.

Honourable Aliyu reiterated that Boko Haram is not an exclusive fight of the military but all-encompassing and all embracing. He therefore called on the people of the North East especially the politicians to support and assist the military to succeed in the on-going war against insurgency.

In his remark, the Chief of Defence Staff, General Gabriel Olonisakin thanked the team for their encouragement and support. He therefore reassured that the Nigerian military will continue to fight to ensure one Nigeria and one Destiny.

Senate Visits Defence Headquarters On Security

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Thank you for dropping your response, there are other interesting news on the page too